Great news! The first five of the new Scuttling Gourmet series of Rat Diet eBooks are here and for sale (for Kindle) on Amazon. Also available in other formats including pdf. I’ve included some direct links on Amazon, for primary rat keeping countries below, but if you want to know whether it is available in your country (and it’s not listed here), just ask.
The series is also being translated into Dutch by the wonderful Marina de Lelij. Check out the links at the bottom of the page for more information.
These eBooks cover portions of The Scuttling Gourmet, but with links to external information and products when appropriate. Content is revise and updated if necessary.
The Scuttling Gourmet series – Rat Diet eBooks
As well as the Amazon Kindle links below, all books are available as a standard pdf file, epub, mobi and other formats on Smashwords. Smashwords also distributes to other ebook sellers like Apple, Barnes and Noble, Gardeners and Kobo, so they should be accessible in your preferred online store.
5. Rat Diet: Feeding for reproduction and growth
Available now on Amazon UK, USA, NL, CA, AU, FR
Whether you are an experienced rat breeder, or wanting to learn how to feed your new rat kittens throughout their different stages of development, this book is here to help. It looks at specific nutritional needs for pre-conception, pregnancy and lactation, as well as rat kittens’ needs during the developmental stage, rapid growth phase and the maturation phase. There are discussions about how to avoid under and over-nutrition, how to ‘read’ a rat’s tail to learn how well nourished he is, how to help litter runts to thrive and how to supplement during these life stages. The prickly subject feeding soya is also debated. With links to online stores to help you find the items mentioned in the book, and plenty of references for further reading you’ll find all you need to keep your young rats and breeding does in great shape.
4. Rat Diet: Weight management and condition
Available now on Amazon UK, USA, NL, CA, AU, FR

Do you struggle to maintain your rats at a healthy weight? Are they squishy and lazy, or do they struggle to put weight on? Either way, “Rat diet: weight maintenance and condition” will help you to feed your rats and keep them well nourished, but lean and fit. There’s a full discussion of scatter feeding that addresses FAQ, and new content around the details of feeding wet food as a means to weight loss. The section on condition has also expanded, taking a closer look at how to support rats who are about to undergo stress, such as, showing, travelling, moving home, or meeting new friends. You’ll find out how diet is directly related to condition, plus how to “read” your rat’s coat and tail as indicators that there could be something wrong. A helpful read for anyone who wants to keep their pet rats in tip top shape and condition.
If you find the eBook helpful, please come back and review it here – and on Amazon. Reviews are extremely valuable to me as an author. Please add the title of the ebook you are reviewing to the comments.
3. Rat Diet: Ingredients and making up a mix
Available now on Amazon UK, USA, NL, CA, AU, FR

If you want to make up your own rat food, but find it all a bit confusing, this book is for you. It covers the first 3 chapters of The Scuttling Gourmet, parts of Chapter 5, plus links to other articles and information. Rat Diet: Ingredients and making up a mix is a comprehensive guide to the general principles of feeding rats and the ingredients that can be useful in making up a rat mix. With loads of links to online shops where you can source ingredients, and a practical how to guide to making up the mix, help is at hand. And if you’re left with any questions and concerns, please contact me (details in the ebook) and we’ll resolve them together.
If you find the eBook helpful, please come back and review it here – and on Amazon. Reviews are extremely valuable to me as an author. Please add the title of the ebook you are reviewing to the comments.
2. Rat Diet: Feeding for Health, prevention and treatment.
Available now on Amazon UK, USA, NL, CA, AU, FR

This book is perfect for anyone interested in feeding their pet rats in a way that will enhance their health, reduce the risk of common rat ailments, or treat these should they occur. It takes a detailed look at practical ways of maintaining health and weight throughout life, before discussing the prevention and treatment of a number of specific illnesses, including kidney disease, tumours, diabetes and hind leg degeneration (HLD). . The whole premise is that diet and methods of feeding throughout life, can affect both well-being and health. If you want to know how best to feed your rats, in order to help them to stay healthy, remain a good weight – or support treatment of an illness they are experiencing – this book is for you.
Find answers to questions like:
Should I feed my rats ad lib – always topping up their food bowl?
What’s the best way to feed groups of rats to keep them at a healthy weight?
Can specific elements of the diet help prevent illness?
My rat’s already developed health issues. Can diet help them?
My sick rat is dehydrated. How can I make sure his fluid needs are met?
I have to give my rats some medicine. How do I do this?
If you find the eBook helpful, please come back and review it here – and on Amazon. Reviews are extremely valuable to me as an author. Please add the title of the ebook you are reviewing to the comments.
1. Rat Diet: Feeding for vitality, longevity and in old age.
Available now on Amazon UK, USA, NL, CA, AU, FR

This book is perfect for anyone interested in feeding their pet rats in a way that will enhance their vitality and help them to live out a natural lifespan. It takes a detailed look at the nutrition a rat needs in order to maintain vitality and well-being throughout life. It uncovers the nutrients a rat’s diet should provide, and looks at areas where deficiency might be a problem, before discussing supplements and when these might be needed. There is a close look at phytonutrients, along with the fresh foods that will help boost immunity and health, plus chapters on feeding elderly rats and feeding a soft diet. The whole premise is that diet and methods of feeding throughout life, can affect both well-being and longevity. If you want to know how best to feed your rats, in order to help them to achieve a long life – or how to feed them in their old age – this book is for you.
Find answers to questions like:
Is there something I can feed to boost my rat’s immunity?
What’s the best way to feed groups of rats to keep them at a healthy weight?
Why are fresh foods important for rats?
Is fasting good for rats?
Which supplements will really help my rats to thrive?
Where can I get the supplements you recommend?
How can I feed a soft diet to my old rat and still make sure he gets all the nutrients he needs?
If you find the eBook helpful, please come back and review it here – and on Amazon. Reviews are extremely valuable to me as an author. Please add the title of the ebook you are reviewing to the comments.
Dutch version of book 1 available for Kindle on Amazon. Epub version available on Bol. A pdf (as well as all other versions) download is available on Smashwords.